Free Advice
Come meet Francisco in a New York City park where he offers #FreeSexAdvice to strangers on weekends.
Stay tuned. Watch this space for future updates and upcoming dates.
What is #FreeSexAdvice?
The world would be a radically different place if we all could speak more honestly about sex. #FreeSexAdvice is about bringing open conversations about sexuality to the streets—literally.
Since 2008, I have put out a sign that says “Free Advice on Relationships, Sex & Dating” (or just “Free Sex Advice”) in New York City parks, streets and subway platforms. New Yorkers come up and ask me any question they have about: sex, hooking up, sexuality, sexual health, dating, relationships and talking with your parents or children about sex.
Why is it free?
Many of the people who ask me questions are homeless, unemployed or young adults with little to no income.
As the child of parents who were homeless at different points in their lives, I believe that everyone has a right to lead a sexually healthy, fulfilling life, regardless of their socioeconomic reality.
#FreeSexAdvice is one small way I contribute to making the world a more sexually healthy and compassionate place. For everyone.
So, it’s really free?
Yep. I do not ask for money or tips from people in the park--nor do I accept any.
Who comes to see you?
People from all walks of life come out to chat: high school students finding love for the first time, seniors navigating online dating, religious figures, young people getting dumped on Snapchat, homeless people wondering how to hook up on the streets... lawyers, teachers, sex workers, tourists, native New Yorkers. Essentially, everyone.
When and where can I find you?
The date, time, and location of my next session is always listed at the top of this page. I typically like to go out one day a week, usually on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon for 1 to 2 hours at a time. During the summer, I like to head out late (closer to midnight). I often choose Union Square, but the location can vary. (Got an idea of a location I should visit? Email me!) Weather can sometimes affect the schedule, so check Twitter or Facebook for the latest updates on times and location.
Stop by and chat in English, Spanish, Portuguese, American Sign Language or French. I look forward seeing you there!
What do people ask ? Can i listen in?
New Yorkers ask me literally everything about sex, hooking up, sexuality, sexual health, dating, relationships, talking with their parents or children about sex, finding love, getting kinky, and so much more! If you’d like to hear details about what I’m getting asked in the park these days, please sign up below for the newsletter, and get the full scoop.